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编辑:时尚家居 2024/09/23





韩裔德国哲学家韩炳哲在《大地颂歌:花园之旅》里描述了自己在园艺工作中侍弄蓝花时产生的哲学思考,同时结合色彩理论阐释了其浪漫化的本质。蓝花blaue blume)象征着永恒的憧憬、呼唤着激情与使命,既体现了对无限的形而上渴望,又夹杂着诱惑、欲望和虚无——尤其针对蓝的外表本身而言。时至今日,蓝花仍是西方艺术史脉络中经久不衰的主题。美国诗人玛吉·尼尔森(Maggie Nelson)亦曾进行类似表达,蓝的特别之处在于它孤独又崇高,这种摇摆不定的气质指向了怀旧的未来。



奥利弗·比尔,《共振绘画(自由落体)》,2022 年,布面颜料,60 x 30 厘米。© 奥利弗·比尔—由艺术家与阿尔敏·莱希惠允。摄影:Nicolas Brasseur

Oliver Beer, Resonance Painting (Freefall), 2022, pigment on canvas, 60 x 30 cm. © Oliver Beer – Courtesy of the artist and Almine Rech. Photo: Nicolas Brasseur

奥利弗·比尔,《共振绘画(粉色兔子)》,2023 年,布面颜料,90 x 90 厘米。© 奥利弗·比尔—由艺术家与阿尔敏·莱希惠允。摄影:Nicolas Brasseur

Oliver Beer, Resonance Painting (Pink Rabbit), 2023, pigment on canvas, 90 x 90 cm. © Oliver Beer – Courtesy of the artist and Almine Rech. Photo: Nicolas Brasseur

奥利弗·比尔,《众神蓝晒画(室内管风琴)》,2022 年,蓝晒工艺、白色墨水与粉笔,61 x 85 厘米。ASE 基金会收藏。图片由艺术家与阿尔敏·莱希提供

Oliver Beer, Cyanotype Drawing for Little Gods (Chamber Organ), 2022 , cyanotype, white ink and chalk, 61 x 85 cm. Collection of ASE Foundation. Image courtesy of the artist and Almine Rech

娜塔莉·杜尔伯格 & 汉斯·博格,《驻足(189 厘米)》,2022 年,木材、薄浆、织物、丙烯颜料、树脂、塑泥、金属、金属线,64 x 189 x 58 厘米。由艺术家与里森画廊惠允

Nathalie Djurberg & Hans Berg, A Stream Stood Still (189 cm), 2022, wood, grout, fabric, acrylic paint, resin, polymer clay, metal, wire, 64 x 189 x 58 cm. Courtesy of the artist and Lisson Gallery.

陈维,《烦恼的马列维奇 #24310》,2024 年,LED灯、金属框架,16.8 x 16.8 x 79.6 厘米。由艺术家惠允

Chen Wei, Trouble Malevich #24310, 2024, LED light, metal frame,16.8 x 16.8 x 79.6(h) cm. Courtesy of the artist

丹尼尔·克鲁斯丘博,《花卉 24》,2021 年,帆布上油彩、丙烯、油画棒、炭笔、墨水、沙子、喷漆、浮石凝胶、拼贴,100 x 70 厘米。亚洲私人收藏。图片由艺术家与泰勒画廊提供

Daniel Crews-Chubb, Flower 24, 2021, oil, acrylic, oil pastel, charcoal, ink, sand, spray paint, corse pumice gel and collaged fabrics on canvas,100 x 70 cm. Private Asian Collection. Image courtesy of the artist and Timothy Taylor

米莫萨·埃查尔德,《那耳喀索斯(异形)》,2021 年,不锈钢、织物数码印花、丙烯颜料、丙烯酸漆,160 x 60 x 4 厘米(含框)。由 Lastpiece Collection 惠允。图片由艺术家与桑塔画廊提供

Mimosa Echard, Narcisse (Alien), 2021, stainless steel, digital print on fabric, acrylic painting, acrylic lacquer, 160 x 60 x 4 cm (with frame). Lastpiece Collection. Images courtesy of the artist and Galerie Chantal Crousel

斯宾塞·芬奇,《于Isle au Haut眺望大西洋》,2017 年,纸本水彩和铅笔,74.9 x 101.6 厘米。由艺术家与里森画廊惠允

Spencer Finch, Atlantic Ocean from Isle au Haut, 2017, watercolour and pencil on paper, 74.9 x 101.6 cm. Courtesy of the artist and Lisson Gallery

郭鸿蔚,《岩中仙 No.13》,2024 年,布上岩彩及水彩,150 x 120 厘米。由艺术家与魔金石空间惠允

Guo Hongwei, Fairy in the Rock No.13, 2024, mineral colour and watercolour on linen, 150 x 120 cm. Courtesy of the artist and Magician Space

许鹤溪,《帕索里尼七次》,2024 年,布面墨水,200 x 180 厘米。由艺术家与马凌画廊惠允

Brook Hsu, Pasolini Seven Times, 2024, ink on canvas, 200 x 180 cm. Courtesy of the artist and Kiang Malingue

关尚智,《权力、贪污和谎言》,2017 年,霓虹灯雕塑、透明塑料人体模型、不锈钢支架,尺寸可变。由艺术家与马凌画廊惠允

Kwan Sheung Chi, Power, Corruption, Lies, 2017, neon light sculptures with clear plastic mannequins, stainless steel stands, dimensions variable. Courtesy of the artist and Kiang Malingue

克里斯多夫·勒·布伦,《天鹅》,2014 年,布面油画,270.5 x 170.5 厘米。由艺术家与里森画廊惠允

Christopher Le Brun, Swan, 2014, oil on canvas, 270.5 x 170.5 cm. Courtesy of the artist and Lisson Gallery

梁伟,《其时实式》,2024 年,布面丙烯、水墨笔,250 x 200 厘米。由艺术家与魔金石空间惠允

Liang Wei, Even When, 2024, acrylic on canvas, ink brush, 250 x 200 cm. Courtesy of the artist and Magician Space

刘任,《PantaRhei202401271642》,2024 年,丝网草纸、金箔,150 x 150厘米。由艺术家与东画廊惠允

Liu Ren, PantaRhei-202401271642, 2024, silk screening on straw paper, gold foil, 150 x 150 cm. Courtesy of the artist and Don Gallery

刘辛夷,《贝塔礁》,2021 年,光敏树脂打印、漆、起烟器、电源,25 x 65 x 70 厘米/件、26~29 x 35~41 x 36~42 厘米/件,共 10 件,整体尺寸可变。由艺术家与空白空间惠允

Liu Xinyi, BetaReserve, 2021, SLA resin 3D printing, lacquer, smoke generators, power supply, 25 x 65 x 70(h) cm / piece, 26~29 x 35~41 x 36~42(h) cm / piece, 10 pieces, overall dimensions variable. Courtesy of the artist and WHITE SPACE

伊内斯·隆格维亚尔,《呐喊》,2024 年,亚麻布面油画,176 x 240 厘米。© 伊内斯·隆格维亚尔—由艺术家与阿尔敏·莱希惠允。摄影:Nicolas Brasseur

Inès Longevial, Le cri, 2024, oil on linen, 176 x 240 cm. © Inès Longevial – Courtesy of the artist and Almine Rech. Photo: Nicolas Brasseur

吕松,《树舞 #14》,2023 年,布面丙烯,200 x 150 厘米。由艺术家与东画廊惠允

Lu Song, Dance of Trees #14, 2023, acrylic on canvas, 200 x 150 cm. Courtesy of the artist and Don Gallery

茹特·莫尔克,《泰黑 II》,2020 年,布面油画,132 x 108 厘米。由艺术家与 Gallery Vacancy 惠允

Rūtė Merk, Taihei II, 2020, oil on canvas, 132 x 108 cm. Courtesy of the artist and Gallery Vacancy

野又穫,《天光H7》,2008 年,布面丙烯,53.1 x 130.3 厘米。Vivian Cheung 收藏。图片由艺术家与白立方提供

Minoru Nomata, Skyglow-H7, 2008, acrylic on canvas, 53.1 x 130.3 cm. Collection of Vivian Cheung. Image courtesy of the artist and White Cube

任莉莉,《壳》,2022 年,青铜、硅胶,20 x 50 x 25 厘米。由艺术家与魔金石空间惠允

Li Li Ren, The Direction of Tears, 2022, bronze, silicone, 20 x 50 x 25 cm. Courtesy of the artist and Magician Space




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致谢:ASE基金会。摄影:胡凯@AGENT PAY

Evonne Jiawei Yuan. Courtesy of ASE Foundation. Photo: Hu Kai@AGENT PAY
